lesrooster_sail_endorsement_2324__rev_09-01-24_.pdf |
Please find below a new version of the timetable for the second semester. Hierbij een nieuwe versie van de Rooster voor de tweede semester. Changes are as follows/wijzigingen zijn als volgt: KZV English - Manoeuvring on January 12 has swapped with COLRIN on January 19. COLRIN now on January 12 (pm) and Manoeuvring now on January 19 (am); KZV Nederlands - Zeilvaart en Nautisch Engels wisselen op 2 maart; GZV - (i) Celestial Navigation and Square Rigged Sailing swap places in the afternoon of January 27; and (ii) Kaatje and Sailing Ship Routing swap places on February 23.
Hieronder een nieuwe lesrooster met wijzigingen voor GZV op 10 en 24 november. Geen aanpassingen voor KZV. Please find below a new timetable, incorporating the changes recently publicised for the GZV on November 10 and 24, 2023. There are no changes for the KZV.
The lesson timetables on November 10 and 24 are changing such that there will now be two sessions of MET/OC on November 24 and an extra hour of ASTRO on November 10. The new schedule is as follows:
NOVEMBER 10 A-STAB ABS ASTRO ASTRO (1 hour - day ends at 1650) NOVEMBER 24 MET/OC A-STAB MET/OC ASTRO A new version of the timetable will be published shortly. There is a change in the GZV timetable on December 2 such that the Marine Auxiliary Engineering class scheduled for 0900 - 1050 will swap places with the Voyage Preparation class scheduled for 1345 to 1535. So the new classes are: 02-12-2023, 0900 - 1050: VOYAGE PREPARATION 02-12-2023, 1345 - 1535: MARINE AUXILIARY ENGINEERING This change and that announced last week are incorporated in the attached new version of the timetable for the first semester.
There is a change in the GZV timetable such that the Advanced Ship Stability class scheduled for 1555 - 1745 on Saturday November 4 will swap places with the RADAR class scheduled for 0900 to 1050 on Friday November 10. So the new classes are:
04-11-2023, 1555 - 1745: RADAR 10-11-2023, 0900 - 1050: ADVANCED SHIP STABILITY OKTOBER 2023
05 t/m 07 - Deksman cursus 09 t/m 12 - MARCOM-A spoed cursus 13/14 - Begin van 1e semester KZV en GZV 21 - Start Bootsmanscursus (t/m 25/11) 27 - Start MARCOM-A reguliere cursus (praktisch examen op 11/01/2024) NOVEMBER 2023 19 - Basis Marifoon cursus 24 - Start "Leer je bedrijf stabiel navigeren" cursus 29/11 t/m 01/12 - Deksman cursus DECEMBER 2023 2 - Start Zeilnaaien cursus (t/m 06/01) 17 - Basis Marifoon cursus 18 t/m 21 - MARCOM-A spoed cursus 22/23 - Examens KZV en GZV - 1e semester JANUARI 2024 03 t/m 05 - MARCOM-B cursus 05/06 - Begin van 2e semester KZV en GZV 13 - Start Zeilnaaien cursus (gevorderden) (t/m 27/01) 25 - Herexamens KZV en GZV - 1e semester FEBRUARI 2024 3 - Start Bootsmanscursus (t/m 09/03) 12 t/m 15 -MARCOM-A spoed cursus 16/17 - STCW Basic Safety Theory cursus 19/20 - STCW Medical First Aid/Medical Care cursus 21/22 - STCW Basic Safety Practical cursus MAART 2024 15/16 - Examens KZV en GZV - 2e semester APRIL 2024 5 - Herexamens KZV en GZV - 2e semester 19 - Diploma Uitreiking KZV en GZV |
RoostersLesroosters en examenroosters Categorie |